How To Optimize YouTube Videos For Search Engines

How To Optimize YouTube Videos For Search Engines

Search engine optimization is EXTREMELY important when it comes to growing a YouTube channel, and in this tutorial, I’ll be walking you through my entire process of optimizing videos for search engines that has allowed me to rank number one for search quires such as “Start A Minecraft Server” on YouTube a search result that gets hundreds of thousands of searches each and every month. This tutorial will help you do rank that well in search engines for videos of your very own.

The Title

Titles are extremely important on YouTube. They are the primary thing that YouTube looks at when ranking videos in search engines. It is extremely important and needs to be an exact match of what you want people to search to fine your video. An example of this is if you were making a video on “How To Change A Theme In Windows 8”, that is exactly what the title of the video needs to be. It doesn’t need to be “The Best Way To Get A Windows 8 Theme”. It needs to be exactly what you want people to search and find your video. Don’t skimp out on this as if you do, you will filling the effects when it comes to your search engine rankings.

The Description

While titles are important, they are nothing without a rock-solid description. Descriptions are what really cement videos into good search engine rankings, and luckily, there is a simple format to follow to get them done right. I’ve provide a sample description that you can use and fill in when you upload a new video to your channel so you’ll always have an awesome description as long as you fill it out correct. I’m going to break the description down into the parts. The short writing, the links, and the long writing. The most of important of these are the long and short writings.

Short Writing

This is 2-3 sentences at the very top of your description that outline in summary what is going on in your video. It needs to have target keywords that are associated with your video in it, and it will help the viewer and search engines quickly see if the video is what they are looking for or something that they should watch. For search engines specifically, it allows them to know how exactly your videos are related to the title, and weather or the video is relevant and should be ranked for your title keyword(s).


The links in your description have absolutely no help towards SEO, so I won’t go into depth with them here. Any relevant links to the video should be included as well as links to your social networks/profiles that you want your audience to have and anything else such as resources that you use for your videos. The example description below has some recommended links in it.

Long Writing

This is the 2nd most important if not the most important part of the description of you video. It is a extremely detailed 2-3 paragraph outline of what is going on in your video, and it allows viewers and search engines alike to know everything your video is about so they can be 10,000 percent sure that it is the correct video for them and extremely revelevant to your target keyword string/the title of your video.

Example Description

The example description is in the spoiler tags below, and obviously will need to be filled out with each and every new video that you upload. You will also need to change all of the links in this description to your own from just blank/nothing.

Click for the description template!

Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writingShort writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writing Short writingPrevious Video:
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Any other information required in your video such as music links or video/image credits.



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The Tags

Tags have lost there overall importance on YouTube in recent years, but they still should be done as they can determine wether you get a number one or number two spot for your target keyword. They also help tremendously on getting keywords outside of your target keyword such as, for example, me ranking number two for the search “Minecraft Server” when it isn’t even my target keyword. This was done through tags.

The most important thing you need to know about tags is they need to start very specific and work their way more broad. For instance, you may start your tags with “How To Download & Install Windows 8 Themes In 2015” and work you way to “Install Windows 8 Themes”. Notice that the starting super specific keyword is even more specific than the title of your video as you want to provide as much information as possible at first. You will then want to work your way to more broad tags, including your videos title, until you are very broad with the string “Install Windows 8 Themes”. Tags aren’t hard to do as long as you use the simple format of starting specific and going broad.

DO NOT put tags in your video’s description. This is against YouTube’s TOS, and it WILL get your channel shutdown/terminate. 

About The Author



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